I am going to be drawing one prize per week out of those who do both challenges as well as a prize at the end of the month drawn from those who did them all. {Nothing huge, but its always fun to win some freebies!}
Week #1: 2/1- 2/7 "Show me your Style"
1} This one is easy! Show me one of your very 1st scrapbook pages. You know, one of those really good ones from when you 1st started scrapbooking! So easy! All, you have to do is take a pic!
2} Okay, now show me your style today! -a layout of any theme, just make it something fresh and your "today style".
Week #2: 2/8-2/14 "Show me your Space"
1} Scrap your creative space! ~I know some of you already have pics! ;)
2} Scrap where you live! ~It can be your house, your town, your state, etc. You choose!
Week #3: 2/15-2/21 "Then & Now"
1} Scrapbook a picture of you "then" ~as a baby, child, young adult, etc. Or how about you and your hubby "then"?
2} Yep, you guessed it! Show us the "now". Who you are "now", you and your hubby "now", etc.
Week #4: 2/22-2/28 "Getting to know you"
1} Scrap something about yourself that that not everyone knows. ~an instrument you play, a hobby, your job, etc.
2} Scrap about your "other half". Your hubby, hubby-to-be, etc.
WooHoo! Are you all pumped up as much as me? I hope so! Leave me a comment and let me know if you're interested in participating.
{Okay, so here is a layout just to get ya'll going, or laughin one of the two. :0) Yep, that's me in my college days...

I'm in. Sounds like fun. The layout is cute. Thats the Megan I know and love.
i LOVE your layout! great colors, design elements and just all around cuteness! you are so inspiring1
you blow me away with your creativity & motivation, thanks for keeping me going! I'm definately in, escp. b/c all those are things i want to scrap someday, but that someday will be lots sooner now!!
Woo Who, count me in.... two a week I can handle. The challenges sound fun. The wheels are spinning already. I love the before ideas b/c I was thin back then.
Count me in too! I was in as long as it wasn't every day...I don't think I could do that all year long, loL! I'll start thinking of March challenges and I will take up March. :o)
PS - Great flippin' layout...just when I think I can not see anything better from you, you do it.
Woohoo! Can't wait to do your challenges for March Christine and A. Lisa for April??? Anyone wanna take May? :0)
Love the layout and..........are those Thickers in that layout? I may have to join this challenge group!! You girls are too fun! Let me give it some more thought!! I will get back to you!
Yay! Shelley we'd love to have ya!
Ok I'll bite. I'll take May. That will give me some time to think.
I'm in too. (nobody can laugh at my nappy, curly hair I use to have!!!) I think I got my hair from the postman!!!!
Ok Megan - if it's not too late - I'm in too. . .I gotta get some scrappin done!! Plus it is super bowl sunday so hopefully I can get some done tonight! Thanks for all you do to keep us goin'!
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