
Friday, December 7, 2012

Project Life :: Crate Paper Design Team

I am very excited to announce I am part of the Crate Paper Project Life team!
Project Life is something I have been wanting to do for a long time  & this was the perfect opportunity to do so! The one thing that has always held me back was knowing that I simply wouldn't be able to keep up with it weekly. As amazing as it would be, I know me better. So, I am going into this with the "monthly highlights" attitude. It is going to be a place to record and keep those everyday moments; as well as a place where I can collect and show off little items like movie tickets & drawings from my kids. 

I started to pull some things together & decided I needed to do a "title page" of sorts. Something to get the album started. I chose to do a page about our three kids; since they are the center of my everyday. As you can see, I used the Sleigh Ride collection as the base of this page. I love that it's a Christmas line with neutral papers that can be used beyond the Holidays.

I did some PL searching around the web before I got started. One thing I noticed was some people rounded their corners, some didn't. Hmmm, decision time for me. And as you can see: I rounded them baby! I thought why not? I very rarely use by poor corner rounder so it was time to dust it off. I love the look. Do you round or keep your pieces square? 

The next thing I researched was how to photograph the finished pages. A light background or a dark background? At first I photographed them with my trusty piece of white foam board, but noticed there didn't seem to be enough contrast behind the pieces. So, I did a reshoot and used the dark carpet in my work office. Much better I think! 
{You will also notice I removed some of the red washi tape because visually it just did't seem to work.}

Continuing with the Sleigh Ride collection, I highlighted a few ways we've been celebrating the Holidays :: decorating the tree, our annual girls Christmas brunch, & our family Christmas cards. 

When I stamped the date on the above card, I didn't realize it was on the "bah humbug" wording. Right above "family" no less. LOL! I left it because it made me giggle at the thought of the craziness that occurs when all 26 of us get together!

Happy Holidays everyone! Don't forget to capture those everyday moments. 

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