
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

{week in the life: day three...+ jbs may sneaks...


jenni bowlin may kit sneaks 

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Welcome to day three of the Week in the Life Project!
Good Morning! {a view from our back deck}

Chase was much happier this am...mommy let the tooth fairy in last night...

Scrabbled eggs for Ella & the boys...

Smoothie for me...
{note: I saw the idea on Pinterest, but for my yogurt I freeze it ahead of time in a muffin tin so I can add it to my baggie of fruit & simply dump it in the blender and add skim milk. So easy!}

Coffee &'s what gets me moving...

Boys on the bus & ella to daycare...

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{will update later tonight!}

 Well it was another day at work. Nothing major to report, except it's my FRIDAY!!!

 I registered for this race today...


 We had a friend and his two kiddos stop by after work. They are so cute & I couldn't resist adding them into our week in the life...
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The boys love to play down here. This is what the boys call their "fort". They have spent hour upon hour down here!
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Sorry "b" I couldn't resist. Your mommy did a wonderful job painting your nails. Hee!
Off to ball practice for Chase & a run with a friend for me...


 4.4 miles tonight!
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Darn a miss {LOL}
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I picked up tacos for supper after practice. Yum!


  1. Love your sneaks! Can't wait to see the entire layouts :)

  2. Is that a battery grip on your Canon? How do you like it? You look amazing btw! Love the cute photos of the kids!

  3. Yep, on the battery grip. I love it cause I don't have to worry about changing the battery during a wedding, but it's a bit big. I'm pretty used to it now. And thank you!
