
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{weightloss wednesday...

Okay, just for today "wishlist wednesday" is going to be taken over by "weightloss wednesday".
Ella will be two next week and I gained ALOT of weight when I was preggers. Yep, I'm one of those girls who pees on the stick and instantly gains weight. I'm not saying they're not worth, it I'm just sayin it's DAMN hard getting it to go away!
So, here we go.... I'm gonna put it all out there...

This was me 21 days before Ella was born...I was around 210 the day she arrived...


June - Aug 2010... between 185-180...





To be honest, up until the summer of 2011 I wasn't doing much of anything about my weight. I hated how much I weighed and what size pants I wore but I just didn't have the motivation to do anything about it.
I slowly started running. For real, the first time I ran {the whole way} to the back of our ground {which is about 1/4 of a mile} I was so freakin excited! It was pathetic how much I was out of shape.

June 2011...the Race for the Cure...around 170 lbs...
{I didn't run the whole thing without stopping, but I did run more than what I thought I could!}


June 2011...Jamaica...I hate how I look in this picture...hate it...


Nov 2011... a cross country race with a friend... I think I was around 155 lbs here...

I also joined our YCMA in October of 2011. That was HUGE with helping me through the winter. I lost 8" in 12 weeks {over Christmas!}. Since then I have logged over 117 miles & just last weekend I ran my first 5k of 2012 and ran the whole thing {without walking!!!} with a time of 30:00. Not record setting, but I'll take it!

And today I am at my first goal weight of 145 lbs....

{and yes, I change my hair color alot!}

Next goal: 138 lbs. before May!


  1. Looking good!!! You can so do 138 by May!!! Keep it up! And I love your hair dark!!!

  2. whoa, megan that is awesome!! your post is so motivating! thanks!

  3. Ok I had trouble awhile ago posting comments because of a new google account on my work computer so I just gave up. However, I wanted to comment so bad I made myself sit here until I could get it fixed! AWESOME JOB MEGAN! You are an inspiration in motivation! Congratulations I'm so happy for you.

  4. Wow, what a difference! You look amazing and should be so proud of yourself for all your hard work. You are such an inspiration to me, since I still have at least 20 lbs to lose from Davis.

  5. Awesome Megan!! I love this have always looked fantastic but your hard work has put you to a place where you are happiest. So glad to get to run with you -- You are motiving me to keep movin!

  6. So proud of you Megan! What an accomplishment! I am currently doing something about my weight situation so I know how hard it is. Good for you on the 5k! Thats my goal for a year from now! You are a great source of inspiration! Keep it up girl!

  7. Congrats! That's very inspiring! Just wondering if you changed anything major about your diet during the same time period?

  8. Megan, that's awesome!! Congrats!! Keep it up! :)

  9. Awesome Megan! I remember the last time I saw you before I moved I thought you looked fabulous! Just one question: I know that you started running for exercise to lost the weight, what did you change in your eating habits? Nothing? Everything? Love this post, and all you have inspired me to start walking and running {baby steps}.

  10. Thank you for the motivation...I need to get my ass in gear after this baby is born!

  11. You look smokin hot Meg. I'm so proud of you and you did!!!
