
Friday, March 30, 2012

{more JBS April kit sneaks...

I know I already shared a few sneaks HERE of the April JBS kit, but I have a few more. I have done a total of 7 layouts so far with this kit. I can't get enough of it and am hoping to get to create more soon!

The kit will go live Saturday March 31st at midnight & I'll have my full reveals up Sunday morning. Be sure to check out the rest of the design teams work too!





{yep, forty is spelled wrong...dang it!}

Thursday, March 29, 2012

{two years ago today...

**Caution...lots of photos ahead**
We welcomed this precious little girl into our lives...


- I remember being SO excited & nervous that Monday morning as we drove to the hospital to be induced.
- I remember the nurse saying they may have to send me home because they had so many moms come in throughout the night.
- I remember saying "I ain't going anywhere! I'm here. Let's do this." :0)
- I remember knowing the boys were in the waiting room waiting for their little sister to arrive.
- I remember the moment they walked into the room to meet her for the first time. What an amazing moment!
- I remember having to stay an extra day in the hospital because Ella need to be there a bit longer.
- I remember thinking I was going to break us out of that room! I wanted to be home!


- I remember Ella sleeping through the night at 3 weeks & thinking heck yes! We got so lucky with this one.
- I remember how proud the boys were to help me with Ella in the mornings before school.
- I remember how Aaron would look at her when he rocked her.

{6 weeks}

{10 weeks}

- I remember taking Ella fishing for the first time the morning before this shoot.
- I remember my mom thinking it took for ever to take pictures of a baby. Yep! & lots of patience too! :0)

{6 months}

{7 months}

{8 months}

- I remember this was the day you spent with Nana while mommy worked.
- I remember how easily you always smiled.
- I remember how I thought your hair was so long here!


- I remember it was sprinkling out when we took this, but you didn't care. You love to be outside!

{9 months}

- I remember this being the craziest photo shoot yet! You were not interested. Thanks to your big brother Coe & some cheerios we got a few memorable shots.

{11 months}

- I remember this was the day you took your first steps!

{one year}

- I remember daddy helping with this shoot. It was only about 20 minutes long. "No more pics mom! I can walk away now remember!" :0)


{15 months}



- I remember daddy saying "really a dress to take a walk". Yes Daddy!

{17 months}

- I remember loving the fact that these boots made it through both of your brothers & are now yours.


- I remember this was the night we went on a hayrack ride at Nana & Papa's. We had caramel apples and soup and had so much fun with all of our cousins!




- I remember this was your first time carving pumpkins.
- I remember loving seeing you in Coe's old coat.

{21 months}

- I remember how stinkin cute you looked all bundled up as we headed out to "school" a.k.a daycare.



I hope you always remember how much mommy & daddy love you! Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

{wishlist wednesday...pounding the pavement...

This week on my list wish is: races that I'd like to complete this summer...

I started reading this: Run Like A Mother. It's a great book so far & it gets me all pumped up and believing that one day {hopefully next year} I will run a 1/2 marathon!
Grab it,it's a good one!

I have a few smash books in my collection, but the black one I have dedicted to a race bib book. A place to put them all in and write a few notes about the races...


The Races I'm looking into for this year:

March 17- St Patricks Day - 5k - Completed & ran the whole way! Woot!
May 13 - Quad Cities Distance Classic - 5k
June 2 - Rhubarb Run - 5k
June 9 - Race for the Cure - 5k
June 23 - Run for the Hills XC - 5k
July 4 - Firecraker Run - 5k {this one has a 10k - maybe just maybe I'll try that!}
July 28 - Bix 7 - 7 miles
Sept 23 - QC Marathon - 5k
Nov - Park View XC - 4 miles {this was a blast last year: see HERE}

I'd love to do at least one a month, but we'll have to see what other ones come up.
Any local gals interested in joining me for any of these let me know! {}

Monday, March 26, 2012

{ella's doughnut party...

We celebrated Ella's second birthday this past Saturday morning with a doughnut theme. It was such a fun change of pace to have a morning birthday party!
The original idea came from this wonderful & inspiring website: lilblueboo & of course Pinterest.

The invite I created with the help of google & photoshop...


I enlarged the top of the invite to banner size at my local print center...


Bought a couple of pieces of poster board {35 cents each} and created doughnuts with paints that I already had in my stash.



I ordered 4 dozen doughnuts & 98 doughnut holes from our small town grocer {under $40}. It was less than ordering a cake like I used to do!




{doughnut seeds...hee...this one still makes me laugh...thank you pinterest!}


I ordered paper straws & take home sacks from this adorable etsy store: Hey YoYo...



My Grandpa's old lunch pail worked perfectly for holding the napkins, silverware & take home bags {for extra doughnuts}...


We displayed a few pics from Ella's 2 years pics....{view more HERE}...


and fruit...we had to be a little bit good...


All of the plates, napkins, silverware, etc that I didn't already have on hand at home I bought at either the dollar store or target. {All for around $35.}

Happy Birthday little bean!



Along with lots of other goodies, Ella received the refrigerator & washer/dryer set to match her kitchen set she got from Christmas. All from Kmart!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

{jbs april kit...sneak peek...

I have to tell you! I completely FLIPPED when I opened this kit! It is SO full of color and happiness! And the stamp...well let's just say you DO NOT want to miss out!

The main:


{can you spy the stamp?}

Mini add-on:




Off to created lots more! See you on the 31st for the full reveal!