
Sunday, November 27, 2011

{cyber hop + giveaway...

Do you have your clicking figures ready for all those "Cyber Monday" deals?

Make sure your first stop is Jenni Bowlin! Starting tonight at Midnight!!!


Here's a little peek into Jenni's Home for the Holidays class...


Find out more details HERE.

The new Mercantile shopping section will be stocked with wonderful one of a kind items like this fun basktball photo...


And now for that giveaway! Simply leave a comment below telling me what is on the top of your Christmas wish list for your chance at a $10 jbs mercantile gift card plus the downloadable pdfs to Jenni's Home for the Holidays class!
{a $7.99 value - kit not included}
{contest ends 8pm CST on monday 11/28}

Now hop on for a chance to win on each of these blogs!

doris sander
mindy miller
leah farquharson
briana johnson
jenni bowlin
lisa dickinson
betsy sammarco
jill sprott
waleska neris


  1. I really want a new camera lens this year!

  2. At the top of my Christmas wish list is honestly the gift of time...time to enjoy my friends and family, time to create, time to soak up the holiday magic, and time to explore the world around me.

  3. On the top of my wishlist was the Silhouette Cameo which I have already!! So nothing really =)

  4. The top of my Christmas list is for my family to be together.

  5. My wish is for a full body massage, which my need to happen BEFORE Christmas!
    Beverly C

  6. Top of my list is a Silhouette Cameo!!!

  7. I'm really wanting a new laptop, my current one is about to go out on me! :(

  8. At the top of my list would be a scrapbook kit. I've been on a spending freeze so it would be a fun treat!

  9. wishing for a relaxed xmas + lots of sunshine for the barbie with the family!!
    then for me a vintage dinner set!!

  10. I just want to spend time with my family.

  11. the top of my list would be my great father in law would be out of the hospital for Christmas!!!
    mary t

  12. Thanks for the great prizes and the chance to win! Merry Christmas!

  13. I have a couple of camera accessories at the top of my Christmas list... a new filter and a gorilla pod strong enough for my Digital SLR. But whether I get them or not my Christmas will be blessed with a weeks vacation with my family and time together away from Winter's weather.

  14. the top of my list is actually time away with dh - playing raquetball

  15. oh man, my wishlist isn't big. I want a week (okay a night) away from the kids on a tropical island (or I'll take a local B&B).

  16. I haven't been able to even figure out what needs to be on my list~ so many good things have been happening here!

  17. The top of my list has a Nook on it. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. At the top of my list would be Jenni's new class!

  19. On the top of my Christmas wish list this year is time to relax and scrap my favorite memories!

  20. Time is at the top of my list (or perhaps the gift of how to manage it better). I would also love to be able to knock a couple home projects off my wish list. I would be thrilled to win a spot in Jenni's class! Thanks for the chance. :)

  21. LOve that mini! I think I would love a nook, or kindle - I am so many books and could use the space for more stuff - storage is always a good gift IKea trip would be fun!

  22. I need a couple metal storage shelf units this yr. Topiest Priority...must organize to get ready for new yr.

  23. Our son is leaving for Afghanistan this evening. Our Christmas wish...his safe return in July!

  24. That mini looks beautiful!! The top of my list is scrappy stuff!

  25. The tip top of my Christmas list is good health for my aging parents..God bless us everyone :) Becky J

  26. at the top of my wish list is an iphone, or suitable substitute! my fingers were too slow for what I wanted of the flea market goodies, but they sure are fun to look at!

  27. An entire day to myself to craft...that's on my wishlist! :)

  28. On top of my Christmas wish would love to have would be that my husbands music producing efforts would get noticed! His music is in the right hands, they just need to say he's got a few music hits!

  29. My top Christmas wish is an entire weekend to be in my studio doing what I love to do most - scrapbooking and photography!

  30. Top of my Christmas List is simply that my kiddos will have a happy one...and also there is a shirt I would love to have from the Disney Store! ;)

  31. christmas wish list already?? haven't thought that far ahead :-) maybe some of Dina's great stamps.

  32. The top of my wishlist is for health & happiness for all my family and friends. Followed by some furry Sorel Boots and of course some Jenni Bowlin vintage goodies! :)

  33. The Fuji instax mobile printer is at the top of my list this year.

    Melanie G:

  34. My wish...time for my family.

  35. LCSmithSAVED@juno.comNovember 28, 2011 at 4:32 PM

    Top on my list? My first grandbaby, due Dec 15th!

  36. lol, My list... Forgot about that part! I would LOVE a Cameo! If I get to wish, might as well wish big!

  37. I really wish to have a day for my self. Since I have been working hard all year, maybe a special treat for my self would bring fulfillment on me.Jenn Simpson
