
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

{pick of the patch...

Sometimes I start with an inspiration piece and even though it gives me a creative jump start, it often takes off in a completely different direction.

This month I started with this beautiful piece...


The color orange is what jumped out at me first and of course with it being October, I thought pumpkins! So, I pulled a photo from one of our past trips to our favorite pumpkin patch and began the creative process.

When I'm trying to stick to a specific color combination, I love to pull out my scrap drawer and grab those certain colors. It doesn't matter the theme of the paper or the design, we're strickly looking for color here. Sometimes going outside of the box is fun, ya know?

So here's what I came up with...

{Remember at the beginning I was talking about taking that inspiration in a completely different direction? Well, I ended up swapping out the green for a turquoise and that's okay! It's all about the creative jump start!}

I'm also one who very rarely throws away any scraps. I try to keep everything incase I can possibly reuse it later. Like this piece of the chipboard here...



It was originally from the RV There Yet - Layered Chipboard Stickers - The Great Outdoors Collection by Heather Tozzi. I had used the bottom half on a past layout. So save those pieces, you just never know when you might use them!

Woodgrain Alphabet Chipboard Stickers - The Great Outdoors Collection by Heather Tozzi
may be my all time favorites! Woodgrain....swoon!


Where does your inspiration take you? Are you one to stick strictly to the theme & colors or do you find yourself heading in a different direction at times?


  1. ...with adding the torq, and the one more color, you could have just posted the rainbow. Hee! Teasing you! I like it! It is a bit different for you!
