
Friday, January 28, 2011

{challenges for us CHA left-behinds...

Head on over HERE at Studio Calico if you're looking for a few challenges to keep you busy while waiting for all those CHA pics to start poppin up.

I started out by sorting through my SC past kit drawer and thought {YIKES!}, I really need to make a dent in this stuff.
So, along with the challenges happening over at SC, I am going to be using up my "old" stash as well as trying to stamp more on my layouts!

The first challenge I did was Laura's {use a quote as your journaling} challenge:
Found this quote on the web and thought it was neat.

And this one is for Sasha's {lift a fav layout from the Feb dt gallery}.
I chose THIS layout by the amazing mle.

I'm hopin to do a few more of the challenges over the weekend. We'll see.
Are you a "CHA left-behind" {LOL} and are you scrappin this weekend?


  1. these are so awesome Megan!!! I too am a "left behind" :( Hope to make it there one of these days! :)) I will be scrappin' too this weekend! Have fun!!!

  2. I'll be doing these challenges too. Love what you did so far & so fast!!!! I'll be working on them today I hope.

  3. Love them. And I really love the quote on the layout of the 3 of them!!!

  4. Oh I am drooling over you "left overs" pile. Im sure there are a few of us that would be happy to help you dwindle down that pile!! :)

  5. Of course I love it all!!!! I am heading over to SC! Thanks Megan

  6. i am hoping to be able to join in this weekend. i have been sorting my old sc kits too. i am embarrassed to say that some are untouched. guess i better get a move on. your layouts are fab!

  7. Megan these layouts are perfectly fabulous!! I absolutely love your blog and all your designs!

  8. Yes I am. But getting the chance to surf for inspiration and admire your amazing LOs makes up for not being there.

  9. nice layouts!! love the bright colour!

  10. WOW! Ok..totally love your messages on your layouts and this particular quote. Love your style! Glad I found so I can now follow you!:o) Take care, Nadia- Sydney Australia

  11. AMAZING!!! just SO fun to look at! :)

  12. Dang girl! I don't come visit for a couple of days and your all challenges and layouts! Awesome!
    YOUR makin' a dent for sure! At least your using those kits!

  13. awesome layouts & what great ideas!!
