
Thursday, December 9, 2010

{when it says "tap"...don't squeeze!

Okay, okay. I wasn't sure I was going to share this, but then I saw kinseywilson was brave enough to post about her little accident HERE on the SC forums. I figured... well, these little things probably happen to everyone right...right?

So, yesterday I picked up some new goodies here....and had my TSM & SC kits ready to play...
I was hopin to make some place cards for a holiday brunch I am hosting next week and maybe add a tutorial to my blog while doing so.


K...see that awesome little bottle of Jenni Bowlin Malted Milk Paint's how the directions read:
Shake well before use. Invert dabber, tap repeatedly onto scrap paper to begin flow. Dab onto surface.
So me being wasn't coming fast enough, so I SQUEEZED...maybe too hard.
It resulted in this...


and this...


and yes, this...


Wonderful! And yes, I was looking right at it when the lid flew completely off!
From there, I cleaned it off of my walls, the new carpet, my clothes, hair, and face. And only after my hubby realized that it was going to come out of the carpet okay, was he laughing at me.

K~ Your turn! What scrappy accident has happened to you lately?


  1. yay!!! clumsy scrapbookers unite! this made me lol :) ps. love love love the paint mustache! i need to take a pic of my new do, lol!

  2. awww...sorry about that little accident! but that's a cute pic of you with your malted milk paint! Scrapit!lol! Hope too much of your new paint didn't waste! And yeah, crazy stuff happens to me all the time- I had a glitter explosion just a couple of weeks ago!

  3. You are so cute! Scrapbooking can be very hazardous! :)

  4. Oh I laughed hystarically when I saw the pic of the paint all over your face!! I had a similar mishap with paint...I had unscrewed the lid of one of my acrylic paints to pour it into a bowl, forgot about an hour later that the lid was off, like we all do I went to grab the paint to use it again and began shaking to mix up the oil a bit and splat!!! it shot across my face, clothes, floor, scrap desk, and all the way across the room and down the wall! WOW, I must not know my own strength!! :)

  5. You are CRACKING me up!!! I love the pic.

  6. LOL When you're start "altering" your face, you're going too far ;-)

  7. Too funny!!! Only you Megan. Ok wel maybe I'm alittle messy too. Must run in the family.


    That is something I would do. You are in good company! That "mustache" picture is priceless!!!

  9. ha! so cute! you should email that to Jenni Bowlin! :)

  10. sorry megan, i spit when i saw that picture. TOO funny. too too funny :) i can't say i've had any mishaps recently, but have stabbed my foot w/ my tim holtz scissors before...

  11. I love to put stickles on chipboard but unfortunately i ALWAYS forget were i put it to dry and then i lay my elbow on top of it and then i have to do it all over again..i never learn;)

  12. lol..too funny! Hope you still post your luncheoun creations ;0)

  13. That is too funny!!!! Love the pic of you the best!!!! You'll have to scrapbook that picture...I'm trying to think of a title.... :)

  14. Oh thank you for the laugh!! I needed a good laugh today and that last picture did it for me. What a priceless picture. I see a scrapbook page about this in your near future.

  15. this cracked me up! Reminded me of Rhonda palarzzari here:
    AWESOME that you caught the memory! :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. That is SO FUNNY! My mishap happened while wallpapering - if that counts. I had a cut strip rolled out on my kitchen table to glue. I used my full dishsoap bottle and an empty decorator Coke bottle (the glass kind) to hold the corners at the far end down. As I moved around the table, I picked up my yard stick from the floor to avoid tripping over it - and managed to swing it into the Coke bottle - sending it smashing to the kitchen floor. While sweeping up the glass, my broom handle caught the dishsoap bottle knocking it down - and well, you guessed mixed with dishsoap now! By the time I'd cleaned up the hazard my glue had dried *sigh*

  18. ok - hilarious!! Maybe this is why I haven't scrapped for so long -- that sh*% is dangerous! :)

  19. Oh my Nelly I laughed out loud! This is waht I missed when not online a few days? SO worth the visit! (snort)!
