
Saturday, November 27, 2010

{the day of "gratitude" all summed up...

Our Thanksgiving Day always starts with this...

{daddy taking the boys hunting}

While mommy makes these...
{they may just be the simple frig rolls, but the boys still love them after a cold morning hunt}

I made my traditional corn casserole...
{meant to take a finished pic before we ran out the door}

A quick few pics of the rugrats all ready to go...

{the boys always run away as soon as I snap the first pic, but this little one isn't so fast...yet}

I had full intentions of taking pics throughout the day. Lunch @ my parent's, dessert at his parents's, and the all night shopping trip with my sisters. Yes, we were some of the crazies out there. My sistas and I left Thursday night at 11:30pm & got home at 9:00am Friday. Boy were we tired, but we had so much fun & tons of laughs!


  1. I had good intentions of taking more pics. on Thanksgiving too. At least I got some. Looks like you had a good day.

  2. Oh my gosh, she got so big! And so cute! Those cinnamon rolls look delicious!

  3. Great pictures Megan...I don't think I ended up taking one picture on Thanksgiving :( That one of the kids altogether is adorable!
