
Monday, November 15, 2010

{countdown to christmas...

Yes... it's less than 6 weeks away!!!
And to get you in the holiday spirit, here's a little sneak of the December kit from The Story Matters...




I am so in love with this kit. It's Christmas without being completely Christmas.
Mark your calendars for the December 5th reveal. You're gonna love it!

Try The Story Matters out for just $19.99 (plus s&h).

Try us for the first time for just $19.99 ($5 off the regular rate)
OR pick up back up for $5 off!

Already subscribe-tell a friend, and you BOTH get $5 off!!

Just a little way we can show OUR Gratitude to you!

($5 will be refunded at time of payment via payment method via pay pal)

And don't forget-participating in the weekly challenges gives you a chance at $5 off also!

ALL this fabulousness, for just $19.99 (plus s&h when necessary).

I have been really bad about keeping up with the {30 days of gratitude} challenge, but there are so many things I am grateful for.
Like today...spending time as a family...


{ella & I went with the boys on their pheasant hunt today. No birds...but great exercise & time spent together. I wish I would have gotten a pic of ella in her cute little camo hat sittin in her carrier. She love it!}


  1. Love your sneaks! And pheasant hunting, ahh sweet pheasant hunting! After hours being quiet in a deer stand it is so fun to get the exercise and not have to be quiet!! So nice that you all got to spend that time together! I think we are going on Thanksgiving morning :)

  2. those look so fantastic, megan!!!

  3. I am grateful for your confidence!
    Young boys carrying guns... your made of steel! :)
    I couldn't do it! LOL!
    (wimp-though it might be due to my fear of my children killing the birds and each other first time out! LOL!)

  4. can't wait to see your full reveal..always lovee your sneaks!
