
Friday, September 24, 2010

{counting down to... GIVEAWAY DAY...

I'm almost there.
Almost to 500 posts!
When I began blogging back in July of 2008, I was selling for Stampin Up!, I was an avid card maker {shocker, right?}, I was a mom of 2, I scrapbooked "in order", I was just beginning to do 12x12 pages, wow how times have changed. I'm still in love with scrapbooking, the stories I've told, & the art I've created.

Soon...I'll be giving away lots of goodies from places like GCD Studios, Imaginisce, Shabby Chic Crafts, Sassafras, My Minds Eye, & whatever else I can scoop up out of my goodie stash.

Until then...'s a layout using the fun {bday bash} line by Imaginisce & their September sketch. I was lucky enough to help them out at CHA . What a great group of gals & a wonderful company!



When did you start blogging & what got you started?


  1. I love your LO, Megan!! I've been blogging since Aug 2006...I can't believe it! I started just because I liked having some place to write down our happenings.

  2. OMG I love this layout!!! Caught my eye right away... so pretty!
    I started blogging in summer of 2009 as a way to play along with other challenge blogs. Now my blog is just second nature. I love having it.

  3. Wow - I love how you've got so much goin' on on this lo. Your blog actually inspired me to start mine back in Oct. '08 to do the Week in my Life challenge. Thanks for being such a great inspiration!

  4. GREAT layout! I just bought this paper today! I started scrappy blogging in June of 2008--I wanted a place to share my creations AND recipes.

  5. Your layout is amazing! I have not started blogging at this point in my life.

  6. So fun. Love the photo and what a fantastic layout.

  7. Love what you have done with this collection- I would not have picked it as a good match for your scrapping style but you've totally proved me wrong.
    I started blogging b/c I got a DT spot with a store but have kept it going since finishing on the DT b/c I just like the idea of contributing to the sharing of crafty ideas and inspiration.

  8. such a cute lo, i have loved watching your style unfold over the years..miss the club days ;0(...i'm gonna have to check back when i started my blog..pretty sure it was a result of your inspiration..

  9. Really "SWEET" page! Love how you used that collection! And now I am dying for a cupcake with sprinkles! :D

  10. Love what you've done with the sketch this month, Megan ...

    Thanks for playing along ...

    Love, Tracy G

  11. Wow 500. I will never make it there. Awesome and awesome layout.

  12. What an adorable layout Megan! Thanks for participating in the challenge.
