
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

{when in doubt "lift"...

I love to look through magazines and galleries for inspiration. That's the fun of the scrappin community! I knew as soon as I saw this page it would be in my "to lift" pile.

my page:

the inspiration:

{Sorry, I don't have a name to go with it, but I will do my best to find it out when I get home.}


  1. soo cute! & a great memory for them preserved!:)

  2. love it! i think lifting is just another creative tool to help get our juices flowing again.

  3. This one I love!
    Congrats to your pregnancy!
    (did I spell it right?) ;)

    have a nice week!

  4. That is so cute, my 4 yo old loves to do that also. I had to even give him his own draw with stuff in it so he would stay out of my stuff.
