
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

{almost 7...

My 2nd submission for gdt spot at moments recorded...
The challenge:
Still continuing with the previous challenge about having the "CLEAN & SIMPLE" look, a sketch will be provided for this challenge.

You are to create a layout using the sketch provided with the following conditions

at least 25% of white space
journal (printed or hand-written)
usage of mist (glimmer mist, maya mist, and sort of mist are welcome)
masking technique (optional) (this is to in cooperate with the mist)

Dateline : 29th Aug 2009.

Send in your creations to with the subject "MR #15"

ps: you are welcome to submit more then one layout. And also, you are most welcome to create cards, frame or any other altered projects using the challenges conditions. It is not just for layouts creations.

title: almost 7
journaling: Oh my sweet little Coe...I can't believe how fast you're growing up! In a few short months you'll be 7 and a big first grader!
photo: May 2009
journaling: 7/09
supplies: kraft cardstock, cosmo cricket, and collage press pattern paper, collage press journaling tags, sassafras brads, thickers by american crafts, "7" mask by tm holtz, tattered angels glimmer mist, sharpie marker, xyron design runner and adhesive.

Thank you so much Doras & Sophia for having me!


  1. A fantastic layout Megan! Love the mist!

  2. such a great layout! i love the thickers and the way you used them... (but i maybe bias.)

  3. Great layout! Love the title!!!!

  4. Great page. coe is so stinkin cute. love the misting.

  5. Your layout is adorable, megan, and I love the challenge... I hope I can play along! I love the look of misting and need to break it out more!

  6. Love sketches... I have a ton waiting for me! :)

    Great LO!
