
Sunday, July 12, 2009

{me & michaela...

I had a wonderful time at the scrapaganza crop yesterday and got 10 pages done! I'll be posting a few of those layouts this week.


  1. woo hoo 10 layouts, can't wait to see them!!!

    Love this photo of you too & great design too!!

  2. You two look fabulous!!!! Great layout. 10 layouts.....mojo was kickin' huh!!!!

  3. whoa 10 pages!!! Can't wait to see!!!

  4. 10 pages. . .how awesome!! Lovin this one - still lovin those glasses!! Those letters on the lo are great. . .are they rubons?

  5. Wowzer!! 10 pages!! Hope you had fun at the crop...I am definately going to it next year. Was super bummed I couldn't get the day off work for this years.

  6. Megan, I was so glad I got to meet you at the crop. I felt like I was meeting a real celebrity. And then I didn't even get a picture of you and me together, gee what kind of scrapbooker am I?
    Thanks so much with helping me scraplift one of your pages.
