
Thursday, June 18, 2009

{swell news...

I'm supposed to be cleaning for a get-together we are having at our house tomorrow night, but who wants to clean when I have all these fun tags from shabby chic crafts!
I've been needing to make a prego card for my sis and this little tag was perfect!


  1. what a cute card! She will love it. . .

  2. She's going to love this, what a great looking card!

  3. cute cute! love the strip of pompoms :)

  4. Gorgeous stuff as always! You so inspire me. I wanted to thank you for your support and thoughts during my recent family tradegy. They helped guide us through this difficult time. I also wanted to let you know that My Scrapbook Nook is having a DT call--hoping you come over and throw your hat in the ring! Have a nice weekend!
