
Thursday, March 12, 2009

{my little monster is growin up...

::UPDATE...When I created this page today, I didn't realize that October Afternoon was hosting a challenge on their blog, but WooHoo! I love when things work out that way! Go check it out!::


  1. I don't know how you can call that cute little boy a monster. lol. I love the colors and papers on this page. The little monster peeking out the top is cute too.

  2. LOVE it ALL! love the papers, the monsters, the alphabet border at the bottom. And, he is way too cute to be a monster.... :o)

  3. love love this!! I think my new fave, love the title work & love the p.p., i'm pouting b/c i never got them, maybe on my hunt down list. Great inspiration!!!

  4. Oh, this is FUN! Love how you did your title!

  5. This is to cute! love the little monster (both of them) and that title is fab. Your lo's always rock.
