
Sunday, March 8, 2009

{lucky in love...

It's another twofer! Did this one for the sketch challenge over on Rusty Pickle's blog and it also works for challenge #2~use a song title~for Christine's blog. Yeah!

This was a fun one cause the doodly feel made me think of jr high days and doodling on my folder about which boy I "loved". :0)

goodies used:
Rusty Pickle Pop Star and Candyland pp, Rusty Pickle Candyland rubons & orange alpha stickers, Rusty Pickle Pop Star tag set, Thickers, Stampin' Up! markers, misc. buttons and xyron adhesives.


  1. LOVE the doodle paper and coloring! Super fab job, again. Love, love, love your pages.

  2. This is amazing!!!!! I love it!!!! Such fun.

  3. LOVE the doodles and the b&w against such bold and bright colors! Awesome LO!!!


  4. Woo Hoo, i think you got the RP challenge in a bag!!:)Love the paper collections mixed & the coloring is fantastic!!

  5. ooh, awesome pic of you too to!

  6. This is my absoulute favorite page ever. I love all the fun colors and the picture of you two is adorable.

  7. Awesome layout Megan!! I love all the bright and fun colors and how you worked it!!

  8. What a fun layout! Love what you did with the sketch and how you used the pop star papers!
    Thanks for taking part :o)

  9. Love it! I also just saw the party shades layout...don't know how I missed it, but love it also! Amazing job!

  10. I love this LO, megan! I totally love how colorful and doodly (is that a word? lol) it is! You guys are an adorable couple :-)

  11. i looove this page megan! everything is soo cute!
